Thu 10 / 12 / 20
Why regularly updating the content on your website is critical for your business
If you are reading this, chances are you already have a website (if you don’t we can help you with that! Contact us). The question is, how often do you update your content? And why is it important?
Updating the content on your website is critical for many reasons:
● It shows you are active. It shows your users / potential customers that your business is alive and digitally active. This is important because it shows you care for your audience and make an effort to keep them updated with fresh, relevant information.
● Google loves it. It helps Google understand what your website and your business are about, and depending on what text and keywords you are using, it’ll show your services when people are searching online.
● It gives you insight. Having updated content on your website will broaden the chances of understanding your audiences and how they react to your offering. Using tools like Google Analytics will show you valuable data to understand how people interact with your website. Where people come from, demographics, locations, services that are generating engagement and more.
● It generates trust. A company that puts time, energy and resources to update their website, is a company that shows it’s reliable, something to bear in mind when generating trust amongst new/existing audiences. Imagine a website that has a very out of date team page, or that no longer offers some of the services they advertise… would you trust them with your money? Hell no.
● It keeps you safe. Yup, you need to update your website and your content management system (CMS) regularly to ensure you are not vulnerable to cyber hacks. Technology is changing fast so ensuring your website is secure is critical.
Ok, so what kind of updates are useful to consider?
● Security updates
● Refresh copy pages to ensure information is useful, relevant and up to date
● Refresh images on your different pages
● Add blog posts regularly with different content (company news, industry news, opinion pieces… )
● Ensure your pages are optimised for Search/Google with the right industry keywords so people searching for your services can actually find you!
● Introduce new services/products with individual pages, so you can monitor behaviour in Google Analytics afterwards.
● Consider introducing different colour-schemes that can compliment the visual element of your brand
● Ensure that your user experience is not forgotten, and review if the process users go through to take an action on your website makes sense, or you need to make any changes.
Need a bit of help ensuring your website is as healthy as it can be? Do you need support with a content calendar to guide your content strategy? Or perhaps you’d like to understand what keywords are driving search traffic in your market? Simply get in touch with our expert team at Creative Blend for a free consultation.
If you want to contribute to the Chamber blog, contact us on hannah@brightonchamber.co.uk