Wed 29 / 09 / 21
Why getting to Net Zero is an important issue for business
Brighton Chamber CEO Sarah Springford shares her quarterly update on an important topic to Brighton businesses. Over the past few months, she's been having lots of conversations with Chamber members about Net Carbon Zero - what support is available, and how we can help.
By Sarah Springford of Brighton Chamber
Why is getting to Net Zero an important issue for business and why do people care?
So much more about Climate Change is in our consciousness now - even more so than a year ago; legislation is coming; owners and managers do not want to get left behind especially when customers are demanding sustainability practices; and there are clear benefits for businesses, whether it’s gaining a USP, or increased productively from shaking up the business model.
Taking the first step towards Carbon Net Zero
Common themes that I have noted as we’ve been discussing with Brighton Chamber members over the last few months include: renewable energy suppliers; how to travel, digital footprint; carbon footprint; ethical pension providers; circular economy procurement; planting trees; B-Corps; electric and hydrogen vehicles; how to involve employees; customers’ views; suppliers ethos.
These are amongst the many topics that people running businesses are talking about right now in Brighton & Hove, and with COP26 in November there’s an opportunity for us all to find out more, get help and make a plan.
Join other businesses
One of the first conversations I had about businesses wanting to get to Carbon Net Zero was with Davy Jones of Brighton Yoga Foundation in February. We talked about it being ‘mainstream’, the target of 2030, and the question of ‘how do you do it?’
Many other Zooms followed over the next few months with School of the Wild, who are designing workshops using nature and the outdoors; Southcoast Bikes who are powering our Brighton Bike scheme as well as repairing and selling bikes; Brighton-based Alrity who have set themselves the goal to be carbon negative this year; Happenstance who are using their documentary film making skills to help us understand complex issues; Chie Consulting who built their own eco house; and Lucy Walsh who is a sustainability coach providing sustainability and well-being advice to businesses.
All of these businesses and organisations are unique, but what they have in common is that they are all on a journey and are making time to make progress. It’s been exciting and energising to see what can be done in a short space of time, sometimes with very small resources.
There’s lots of help here in Brighton
I quickly discovered that there is a huge amount of activity around environmental sustainability going on here in Brighton, with lots of people working towards more sustainable living. And what’s great is that many of these early adopters are more than willing to share what they have learnt, the successes and the challenges, and help other businesses get going along the journey towards Carbon Net Zero and beyond. The idea of an interest group was born…
What we’re doing about it – with the steer and help of Chamber members
Fast forward a few months and thoughts started to translate into actions. Brighton Chamber held our first Q&A on ‘Getting your business to Carbon Net Zero’ with the inspiring and knowledgeable Sam Zindel and Steve Creed.
Lots more is planned and coming up at Brighton Chamber. In October is a Bite-sized Learning session on ‘Reducing your digital carbon footprint’, led by and Bek Kimber at Create.net. For the construction and property sector, the focus for the next Construction Voice panel event in November will be on reducing carbon and environmental issues.
With so many Chamber members interested in reducing their carbon footprint, we’re organising a get together next month when they can share their goals and find inspiration and ways to help reach others and the wider business community. I can’t wait to join them and find out what’s on their minds and what they want to do.
If you have something that will help businesses in Brighton looking to reduce their Carbon Footprint or want to get involved, get in touch with team.
PS Check out these Locase grants here.
PPS You might be interested in our Q&A on social value with First Base. Listen back here.
And thanks to the following for their continuing conversation on this topic:
The Living Coast, our local UNESCO biosphere charged with protecting our local environment for us all to enjoy, Octopus Energy who have a base in Brighton and are championing 100% renewable energy, Small99 who are currently creating a guide for businesses, Footprint who work working the construction sector reduce carbon, and Brighton Bus Company who are using electric businesses and now hydrogen.
If you want to contribute to the Chamber blog, contact us on hannah@brightonchamber.co.uk