Wed 23 / 02 / 22
Finding partnerships and adapting in the face of adversity
The BRITE programme, run by the team at Plus X, has some brilliant examples of businesses working together, adapting, and making partnerships throughout times of adversity. Ashleigh Ward writes about two of their programme members, 23D and H2 productions.
By Ashleigh Ward of Plus X Innovation
The past 24 months have been an unusual time for businesses, testing them in ways they would have never predicted. It has been a “make it or break it” situation for many growing companies, and brands are having to adapt quickly to their customers changing needs. Those that have survived have had to innovate by adapting their products and services, to retain their audiences and engage new ones.
We spoke to two BRITE businesses 23D and H2 about how they have adapted and found a way to support each other in the face of adversity.
Meet 23D

23D started in 2017 when Marc Convey spotted a gap in the market. Marc started his career in the world of poker commentating and credits his early international freelance experience as vital to the co-founder position he holds today.
“I was lucky enough to travel to the biggest poker events in the world and my role involved live blogging and media co-ordination. I’d watch how videos were being created at the events, and how demand for immediate content was rising. At the time, many of the people creating the content had historically been from TV production and they were used to much longer times to turn around a piece of engaging content. I spotted a gap in the market for a faster turn-around service.”
Marc then met James Beer, a creative freelance editor with expertise that complimented his work for engaging content. They decided to join forces and armed themselves with a talented team of freelancers and James’ black book network. That’s when 23D (then 23 Digital) was born.

Going back two years when the pandemic initially hit, companies working in events were hit particularly hard. Marc told us that after three successful years he lost 90% of business overnight in March 2020.
“We lost a huge 6-month project and we realised we were about to be really tested as a business. After 4-5 days of shock, we knew from previous experience that when your back is against the wall, innovation and agility will see you through. The first thing we did is go out to our clients and ask them what they needed help with.”
All was not lost - it was time for businesses to think more innovatively. Change was inevitable.
Meet H2 Productions

“H2 productions is a live and virtual event production company as well as an AV designer and integrator for clients, so we do everything from concerts through to boardrooms and hybrid meeting spaces.” Martin Leppard started the company back in 2000 and after 20 successful years, found that:
“Our industry mostly shut down [during the pandemic], and things changed quite drastically for us – however, the resulting change in client needs actually sort of drove some of our areas that hadn’t necessarily been our leading products. As a result it led us to expand these areas, broadening our product offering but also develop new ways of delivering these services and events - which is where BRITE just lined up perfectly.”
Growing through the BRITE Project
Marc and Martin’s paths crossed when they joined the BRITE project, specifically the INSPIRE programme delivered at the Plus X Innovation hub in Brighton in partnership with the University. Martin was a bit dubious about the concept of an innovation hub but he joined Plus X as he could see it was so much more than the standard co-working space.
“Previously I have been sceptical about these kinds of programmes and co-working as for businesses like ours they haven’t always been very fruitful. Plus X has completely changed my mind not only on collaborating but also on innovation programmes. Through joining Plus X and BRITE we have benefited massively from just being in the building and from there we’ve grown and developed”
“The INSPIRE programme has been fantastic for us. We started initially with one innovation project and, on meeting our coach, we ended up splitting it and developing a second project. Then, through partnering with another BRITE member, our two innovation projects have overlapped and come together to form not only a formal business partnership but also a comprehensive innovation that we’re now delivering together to market to customers.”
Marc said “Being at Plus X has been such a great benefit for us in 2020. I think we moved into the building on a Monday and already by the Thursday we were working with other members, helping them solve problems with digital solutions”.
Even though 2020 might feel like a long time ago at this point, we’re still in a very exciting period for businesses to adapt and grow. If you run your own business and are looking for ways to be more innovative through partnerships, then the INSPIRE programme can help.
INSPIRE is a 5-month programme built from world leading innovation research, informed and shaped by SMEs. You will work with a dedicated coach to discover how open innovation can be used as a cost-effective tool for business growth and resilience and you’ll acquire the know-how to bring new ideas and opportunities to your business. To apply, visit our website. Applications close June 3rd 2022.
BRITE is run by the team at Plus X Brighton, sponsors of February's Chamber Breakfast. For more networking events, head over to our events calendar:
BRITE (Brighton Research Innovation Technology Exchange) is an ERDF-funded business support project in partnership with the University of Brighton. The project supports ambitious and scaling businesses in the Coast to Capital region (however applications are considered from outside the area). The BRITE project is receiving up to £5m of funding from the European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020.

If you want to contribute to the Chamber blog, contact us on hannah@brightonchamber.co.uk