Wed 04 / 09 / 24
Tarner is seeking a new Treasurer
Tarner is an essential local charity providing services to children, young people and families in the Tarner area of Brighton. We are looking for 2 or 3 Trustees to join our board.
We are seeking a person with a financial and/or accounting background to act as our Treasurer. The role does not require “hands on” accounting. The Treasurer is responsible for overseeing the financial health of the charity and making the other trustees aware of progress against the annual budget and any longer-term financial plans. They will chair the bi-monthly finance committee meetings.
We currently have 6 Trustees and are seeking one or two more to add strength and diversity to our board. We are looking for people who are passionate about the development of children and young people. They will be able to work with other trustees and senior staff to support and guide Tarner in our essential work.
Based in Tarner Park, our work is rooted in the community of the Tarner district. We are the principal provider of after-school and holiday play schemes for children from two local primary schools. We also have a range of schemes working with young people, both at our centre and elsewhere across Brighton.
Each year Tarner stages 2 festivals, which are well attended and highly valued by the local community. Tarner has 22 staff and a dedicated team of volunteers.
We are growing and developing our services to fit with the presenting need of the families in the area and trustees will be key in overseeing and leading this process.
Trustee meetings are once every two months in an evening in a Central Brighton location. In addition to attending these meetings, trustees are encouraged to join sub-committees and working groups.
You can find information about the charity on the Charity Commission website here.
You can view a short film about Tarner here
We have a detailed information pack about the role and responsibility of the Trustee and would be happy to forward this to you with further information about the charity.
If you would like to find out more, please contact our Chair, Bill Puddicombe, at