Inclusive Employer Jobs Fair
Are you looking for a job, training or volunteering opportunity?
You are invited to a Jobs Fair designed for people with English as an additional language.
We’ll have Arabic and Ukrainian Interpreters available.
It’s on Tuesday 17 September, 10:00am - 12:00pm at the Dorset Gardens Methodist Church, Kemptown, Brighton and Hove, Brighton BN2 1SA
At the Inclusive Employer Jobs Fair you’ll meet employers who are interested in meeting future employees. We will also be running sessions to help review your CV.
We will have local employers eager to meet you and show you their opportunities.
Refreshments will be available.
We look forward to seeing you there. Could you let us know that you are coming by clicking 'Get tickets'.
Note to employers interested to get involved – if you are looking for talented people who’ll help you to build a diverse and inclusive team, please get in touch with Jess Samson at, about joining us on the day.
Thank you to our funding partner Brighton and Hove City Council.
Time: 10am - 12pm
Date: Tue 17 / 09 / 24
Name: Inclusive Employer Jobs Fair
Venue: Dorset Gardens Methodist Church
Location: Dorset Gardens, Brighton and Hove, BN2 1SA
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